Ivan Buldakov dealt with Astemir Mataev in two rounds and took a bonus at RCC Fair Fight 25 In the third pair of the RCC Fair Fight 25 tournament, spectators saw the first confrontation according t
Liam Gray (Sanshin/TMAS) v Peter Green K1 88kg
A Junior K1 bout from BADMOFO MMA JUNIORS 5, July 21st at the Barnsley Metrodome. We hold the biggest and best Junior MMA events in Europe, showcasing talent from England, Ireland, Spain, Scotland,
An Amateur K1 Bout from BADMOFO MMA 10, October 19th at the Barnsley Metrodome BADMOFO MMA is THE leading Mixed Martial Arts Promotion in the UK based in South Yorkshire. Three years in the game and
November 27, 2010
Hovet Arena,
Stockholm, Stockholm County, Sweden
?? Shock N Awe 37 – Unmissable Fight from October 12th! ?? Catch every punch, kick, and clash from this thrilling fight at Shock N Awe 37, filmed live from Portsmouth Guildhall! Relive the excitement
?? Shock N Awe 37 – Unmissable Fight from October 12th! ?? Catch every punch, kick, and clash from this thrilling fight at Shock N Awe 37, filmed live from Portsmouth Guildhall! Relive the excitement
Mat Cozier (MMA Academy) v Liam Cheung (Merseyside kb) K1 75kg
?? Shock N Awe 37 – Unmissable Fight from October 12th! ?? Catch every punch, kick, and clash from this thrilling fight at Shock N Awe 37, filmed live from Portsmouth Guildhall! Relive the excitement
K1 legend Peter Aerts fights Dewey Cooper at GFC3, Dubai.
The same night a four men tournament is also scheduled featuring Badr Hari, Peter Graham, Stefan Leko and Arnold Oborotov.
Nikita Zayakin and Pavel Grishanovich put on a brilliant fight at RCC Fair Fight 25, Zayakin took the victory by decision of the judges Nikita Zayakin and Pavel Grishanovich continued the RCC Fair
The tournament takes place at the RMK Martial Arts Academy in Yekaterinburg
Shock N Awe 36 was held at The Portsmouth Guildhall, Portsmouth, UK on April 12th. Join us for Shock N Awe 37 on October 12th, tickets are available now at www.shocknawe.co.uk
Caged Fighters 4 K1 77KG Title Kevin Mullen VS Jack 'Jackie Tan' Tanner SHAREFIGHT COM