You have to select 720p on the little cog at the bottom of the video window for High Definition.
Charles Jones (TMAS) v Kyle Thompson (Cov Pro kick) K1 78kg
Caged Fighters 5 - Joe Townson VS Irtaza Haider - K1 Rules - SHAREFIGHT.COM
Ellis Crossland (TMAS) v Jack Taylor (Contender) K1 80 kg
Anthony Jones (TMAS) v Jordan Newbold (Contender) K1 53kg
You have to select 720p on the little cog at the bottom of the video window for High Definition.
Combat Challenge - K1: Adam Brindley vs Alex Beattie SHAREFIGHT.COM
Combat Challenge 10 Connor Fullan VS Amar Shah (K1) SHAREFIGHT.COM
BCFC 5 Charles Elphick VS John Green SHAREFIGHT.COM
Scott Lloyd (TMAS) v Dylan Lee (Merseyside KB) K1 69kg
Mat Cozier (MMA Academy) v Liam Cheung (Merseyside kb) K1 75kg
Caged Fighters 4 K1 77KG Title Kevin Mullen VS Jack 'Jackie Tan' Tanner SHAREFIGHT COM
Danny Loundan (Evolution) v Stu Gibson (Contender) K1 105kg
The Annihilation Series - Gary Edwards VS Andy Green - SHAREFIGHT.COM
Georgia Gillis (MASDA) v June Courtney (Contender) K1 54kg