Amateur Featherweight bout
66kg MMA Bout
Professional Bantamweight bout
Amateur Light Heavyweight Bout
Amateur European Welterweight title bout
Easily the top contender for Fight of the Night as we were treated to a "Stirker vs Grappler" matchup where the takedowns of Brett Baker would attempt to swarm the kicks of Kai Holmes.
Amateur welterweight bout
Professional Lightweight bout
Amateur Flyweight Championship bout
Caged Steel Middleweight Championship bout
Lightheavyweight amateur bout
The gloves are off again in another Bare Knuckle Boxing bout between Matt Hodgson and Dan Hunter. Crazy fight as these guys want the victory so bad. In association with Napoleons Casino, enjoy the fi
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Caged Steel regular Scott Harper takes on Wes O'Neill in this Cage Boxing match.
Enjoy a great UK MMA fight between amateurs Jamie Cooke from Submission MMA and Oliver Harriott from Sheffield Shoot Fighters. Bout in association with Napoleons Casino. Don't forget to LIKE and COM