Amateur European Welterweight title bout
Amateur Featherweight bout
Amateur welterweight bout
Lightheavyweight amateur bout
Professional Lightweight bout
Professional Bantamweight bout
Caged Steel Middleweight Championship bout
Amateur Flyweight Championship bout
Featherweight Amateur Bout
Jake Goldthorpe makes another appearance at Caged Steel with another boxing bout! Fight sponsored by Doncaster Martial Arts Centre
James Green puts in a dominating performance here, taking out Jack Scott in the first round in this amateur bout.
Jack Comby answered Qendrim's call out from a previous Caged Steel show for the Caged Steel Amateur Light Heavyweight title. These guys fought an awesome fight, but there could be only one victor.
CSFC 18: Luke Dalton vs Tommy Coyle
The Middleweight Championship is on the line here as the surging Frederick battles former Champion Prostko to see who will claim supremacy of the Caged Steel Middleweight division.
The gloves are off again in another Bare Knuckle Boxing bout between Matt Hodgson and Dan Hunter. Crazy fight as these guys want the victory so bad. In association with Napoleons Casino, enjoy the fi