Prelim bout between Catherine Costigan and Noelia Molina at Cage Warriors 70, August 16th 2014
Pro prelim bout between Lukasz Dawidowicz and Tommy Martin at Cage Warriors 70, August 16th 2014
Pro prelim bout between James Gallagher and Matthew Mullan at Cage Warriors 70, August 16th 2014
Prelim bout between Peter Queally and Konrad Iwanowski at Cage Warriors 70, August 16th 2014
Cage Warriors 70: Karl Moore vs. Lloyd Clarkson - Dublin, Ireland (August 16, 2014).
Cage Warriors 70: Paul Marin vs. Andy Young - Dublin, Ireland (August 16, 2014).
Cage Warriors 70: Dean Garnett vs. Martin Sheridan - Dublin, Ireland (August 16, 2014).
Cage Warriors 70: Paul Redmond vs. Alexis Savvidis - Dublin, Ireland (August 16, 2014).
Cage Warriors 70 prelim: Peter Queally vs. Konrad Iwanowski - Dublin, Ireland (August 16, 2014).
Cage Warriors 70 prelim: Tommy McCafferty vs. Dean Reilly - Dublin, Ireland (August 16, 2014).
Pro Prelim bout Josh McManus vs Romain Bidet from Cage Warriors 85, June 24th
Pro Prelim bout Luiz Finnochio vs Shaun Luther from Cage Warriors 85, June 24th
Pro Prelim bout Darren O'Gorman vs Bryan Creighton from Cage Warriors 84, June 2nd
Pro Prelim bout Ruben Enjily vs Troy Redcliffe from Cage Warriors 85, June 24th 2017.
Pro Prelim bout Jamie Richardson vs Alex Thorne Cage Warriors 85, June 24th