Pro Prelim bout between Arvydas Juska and Alex Thorne from Cage Warriors 86, 16th September 2017.
Full pro prelim bout between Rafael Aronov vs. Jamie Richardson at #CW174 London! Hit 'Subscribe' to ensure you never miss a video from the Cage Warriors YouTube channel. Buy Cage Warriors merchand
Full Pro Prelim bout between Tom Mearns vs Yassine Belhadj from Cage Warriors 122
Watch CW 145 LIVE on UFC Fight Pass on November 4th: Tickets to be there: Hit 'Subscribe' to ensure you never miss a video from the Cage Warriors YouTube channel. Bu
Despite an incredible night of fight action that left most fans leaving on a high, an unfortunate ending to CW101’s heavyweight main event saw Sofiane Boukichou suffer a broken leg after his kick was
Pro Prelim bout between Ben Ellis and Brad Evans from Cage Warriors 104, April 27th 2019.
It was a night that Welsh MMA fans will remember forever! Here's your CW104 main card highlights in just one minute.
Pro Prelim bout between Josh Reed and Ayton De Paepe from Cage Warriors 104, April 27th 2019.
Full Light-Heavyweight title bout between Modestas Bukauskas and Marthin Hamlet from the iconic CW106: Night of Champions card on June 29th 2019.
Full Pro Prelim bout between Alex Lohoré and Aaron Khalid from the iconic CW106: Night of Champions card on June 29th 2019.
Full Pro Prelim bout between Adam Amarasinghe and Darren O'Gorman from the iconic CW106: Night of Champions card on June 29th 2019.
Full Pro Prelim bout between Jason Radcliffe and Haakon Foss from the iconic CW106: Night of Champions card on June 29th 2019.
Full Pro Prelim bout between Thomas Robertsen and Michael Younis from the iconic CW106: Night of Champions card on June 29th 2019.
Full Pro Prelim bout between Morgan Charrieré and Lewis Monarch from the iconic CW106: Night of Champions card on June 29th 2019.
Full Pro Prelim bout between James Hendin and Kingsley Crawford from the iconic CW106: Night of Champions card on June 29th 2019.