Cage Fighters 5 - Ben Holdsworth VS Bon Pierre - (AMB) SHAREFIGHT.COM
Caged Fighters 6 - Craig Skelton VS Ben Holdsworth - SHAREFIGHT.COM
Cage Fighters 5 - Danny Hare VS Morgan Starkey - (AMB) SHAREFIGHT.COM
Cage Fighters 5 - James Harrison VS Kez Jeffers - (AMB) SHAREFIGHT.COM
Caged Fighters 4 Andy Emmet VS Craig Skelton SHAREFIGHT COM
Controlled Aggression Dave 'The Power' Toole VS 'Smooth' Sam Spencer SHAREFIGHT.COM
Rage in the Cage 3 Gareth Vanhoof VS Liam Burke SHAREFIGHT COM
Reps Retribution 5 - Jordon Chester v Carl Burton SHAREFIGHT.COM
Annihilation Series Tyler Chapman VS Luis Vega - SHAREFIGHT.COM
UCC 13 Ali Arish VS Arten Kotov SHAREFIGHT.COM
Rage in the Cage 3 Craig Young VS Dom McDermott SHAREFIGHT COM
Annihilation Series Craig Edwards VS Ruaraidh Watson - SHAREFIGHT.COM
UCC Manchester Mayhem 2 - Jonny Mann VS Meddy Farooq SHAREFIGHT.COM
Reps Retribution 3 Junior Title - Jordon Chester VS Josh Kay (AMA.C) SHAREFIGHT.COM