Cage Warriors 73: Ronnie Mann vs. Moktar Benkaci - Newcastle, England (November 1, 2014).
Cage Warriors 73: Brett Caswell vs. Marcin Lasota - Newcastle, England (November 1, 2014).
Cage Warriors 73: Danny Suter vs. Michael Abbott - Newcastle, England (November 1, 2014).
Cage Warriors 73: Stevie Ray vs. Curt Warburton - Newcastle, England (November 1, 2014).
Cage Warriors 73: Kyle Redfearn vs. Leeroy Barnes - Newcastle, England (November 1, 2014).
Cage Warriors 73: Liam James vs. Dean Trueman - Newcastle, England (November 1, 2014).
Cage Warriors 73: Jimmy Wallhead vs. Juan Manuel Suarez - Newcastle, England (November 1, 2014).
Cage Warriors 73: Alex Enlund vs. Nad Narimani - Newcastle, England (November 1, 2014).
Cage Warriors 69: Super Saturday: Mohsen Bahari vs. Benny Alloway - London, England (June 7, 2014). Find more information at
Pro Prelim bout between Arvydas Juska and Alex Thorne from Cage Warriors 86, 16th September 2017.
Full pro prelim fight between Mitchell Goode vs. Angus Hewett at #CW169 London! Hit 'Subscribe' to ensure you never miss a video from the Cage Warriors YouTube channel. Buy Cage Warriors merchandis
Chris Bungard headlines #CW171 Glasgow this Saturday in front of a packed out Braehead Arena! Hit 'Subscribe' to ensure you never miss a video from the Cage Warriors YouTube channel. Buy Cage Warri
Full pro prelim bout between Ryan Campbell VS. Shahram Hotak at #cw176 Glasgow! Hit 'Subscribe' to ensure you never miss a video from the Cage Warriors YouTube channel. Buy Cage Warriors merchandi
UFC veteran Trevin Jones steps into the spotlight once again at #CW165 San Diego this Saturday... GET TICKETS: WATCH ON UFC FIGHT PASS: https://ufcfightpass.
Full pro prelim bout between Niko Seraglio VS. Andrea Flamminio at #cw179 Rome! Hit 'Subscribe' to ensure you never miss a video from the Cage Warriors YouTube channel. Facebook: https://www.facebo