VK Khalil Khalilov VS Islamov Akhmed Tournament L-1 Russia 26.07.18
Fight - 6 Aliev Mukhammad VS Islamov Ahmed
Tournament L-1 Russia 26.07.18 Sophia 4k3
- Matchmaker of the tournament, regarding participation: https://vk.com/alexmetamorfoza
- Watsap: 89006235358
- Group in VK: https://vk.com/ligabs
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/l1russia/
- Live broadcast from tournaments:
- VK: https://vk.com/metamorfoza_sport
- YouTube: https://goo.gl/3BPqWr
Tags: L1, L1russia, L1, L1 Russia, Combat Sambo League, MMA Tournament, K-1 tournament, Combat Sambo, Sambo, MMA, MMA in St. Petersburg, K1, K1 in St. Petersburg, Mixed Martial Arts, Fights without Rules, Combat Sports , Kick-boxing, Thai boxing, Mui-tai, wrestling, freestyle wrestling, pankration, karate,