The #1 Self-Defense Tip for Women
- Posted by Popp on Dec 04, 2024
Actual footage of a serial carjacker in Los Angeles who was preying on women at gas stations.
??? The most important self-defense tool any woman has is her VOICE. When you set clear, concise, and confident verbal boundaries it provides three life-saving benefits:
1) It can reveal a perpetrators intentions
2) It shows him that you are NOT the easy target he hoped for, and
3) It draws attention from bystanders who may provide assistance.
Many women hesitate to set verbal boundaries because they are afraid to hurt someone’s feelings. Unfortunately, many women have been taught (as children) to prioritize other people’s feelings over our own sense of comfort/safety. But when it comes to personal safety, politeness MUST take a back seat.
The most powerful way for anyone to be able to use their voice is through physical empowerment. The more you invest in physical safety skills, the more comfortable you become setting boundaries with others.
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