The fight in a interim (91 kg) division between Petur Petrov and Vadim Shabadash
The fight in a bantamweight division between Sergey Klyuev and Alexander Osetrov
Title fight in a heavyweight division between Frank Kortz and Maksim Yakobyuk
Title fight in a lightweight division between Raul Tutarauli and Damir Ismagulov
The fight in a catchweight (73,5 kg) division between Sado Ucar and Magomedkamil Malikov
The fight in a middleweight division between Joe Riggs and Boris Polejay
The fight in a flyweight division between Rafael Dias and Vadim Malygin
The fight in a middleweight division between Silmar Nunes and Oleg Olenichev
??iOS ??Android The light heavyweight fight between Gigoy Kukhalashvili and Hadis Ibrahi
Fedor Emelianenko took on Jeff Monson back at M-1 Global: Battle Of The Legends back in November 2011. Enjoy the full fight between 'The Last Emperor' and 'The Snowman'.
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??iOS ??Android Fight featherweight between Adam Borovets and Ahmadkhan Bokov The fight
??iOS ??Android The fight at welterweight between Amiran Gogoladze and Taimuraz Guriev
??iOS ??Android Fight in the heavyweight division between Freddy Gonzales and Maxim Baru
Watch Shavkat Rakhmonov vs Danila Prikaza Fight Video M-1 Challenge 101
Fight between russian fighters Shavkat Rakhmonov, Kazakhstan and Bartosz Chyrek, Poland. M-1 Challenge 57 was held in Orenburg, Russia, 2nd May 2015. More tough fights here -