A clash of upcoming Boxing prospects from Colorado, Ramiro Figueroa takes on Darien Robinson for the Sparta and Airtight 155 lb Ammy Boxing Title. #Boxing #AmateurBoxing #TitleFight
Fight 4 of 7 / King of Sparta Pro Featherweight Tournament Quarter-Final Pro 145 lbs Boxing Bout 4 Rounds / 3 mins ea Sparta Sports and Entertainment's SPARTA 98 Fight Card kicks off with the King
Ladies Elimination 125 lbs Boxing: Sara Valdez v Allyssa Boehnlein 3 Rounds Sparta Sports and Entertainment and Airtight Boxing present Fight Night at the Jefferson County Fairgrounds Arena in Gol
Let's keep this fight train going with one of our most highly anticipated debuts where Ali Abouzalam takes on Chandler Holguin! #MMA #FreeMMA #ColoradoMMA
PRO 159 lbs Kickboxing Title Fight 5 Rounds / 3 mins ea Sparta Sports and Entertainment's Fight Night 16 finishes strong with an amazing Main Event: A Pro Light Middleweight Kickboxing Title Bout be
Main Event on the Sparta Combat League Event in Everett, WA on 2-26-16
Elimination 120 lbs MMA 3 Rounds / 3 mins ea Sparta Sports and Entertainment's Fight Night 17 Night Show continues with an Elimination Superstrawweight MMA Bout between ALICIA LUCERO VS RILEY COLBU
Catch some Boxing action here as Barb Ciesnolevicz takes on Khortni Kamyron. #Boxing #FemaleBoxing #Fight
PRO 154 lbs Boxing 4 Rounds / 3 mins ea Sparta Sports and Entertainment's Fight Night 16 continues with a Pro Super Welterweight Boxing Bout between NICCO HAMILTON VS RAMIRO FIGUEROA. From the Febr
SCL 70: Queen of Sparta Flyweight Quarter-finals/Boxing Fight 3/7: Cheri Muraski vs Byelka Soto The QOS tournament is set up for 8 women to enter and fight through 3 different levels/fight styles.
Heavyweight Boxing: Tyler Kelso vs Isaiah Lopez Sparta Sports and Entertainment and Airtight Boxing present Boxing Fight Night at the Arapahoe County Fairgrounds Event Center in Aurora, CO on Apr 1
Elimination 170 lbs Boxing: Jude Ortega v Daniel Diaz 3 Rounds Sparta Sports and Entertainment and Airtight Boxing present Fight Night at the Jefferson County Fairgrounds Arena in Golden, CO on Ma
SCL 70: Queen of Sparta Flyweight FINALS/MMA Fight 7/7: Shannon Sinn vs Cheri Muraski The QOS tournament is set up for 8 women to enter and fight through 3 different levels/fight styles. First, a p
King of Sparta Tournament Final Fight 7 of 7 Elimination 135 lbs Muay Thai 3 Rounds / 3 mins ea Sparta Sports and Entertainment's AVM 15 continues with the King of Sparta Striker's Grand Prix Tourna
Alen Dudo vs Rayshawn Taylor Elimination Boxing 135 lbs Title Fight 3 Rounds at 2 mins Sparta Sports & Entertainment and Airtight Boxing present Combat Series 4: Boxing. From January 24, 2020 at th