Elimination 140 lbs MMA Title Fight 3 Rounds / 3 mins ea Sparta Sports and Entertainment's SPARTA 102 continues with an Elimination Super Bantamweight MMA Title Bout between TRISTON HARRISON vs SAMU
Elimination 155 lbs MMA 3 Rounds / 3 mins ea Sparta Sports and Entertainment's SPARTA 102 continues with an Elimination Lightweight MMA Bout between JORDAN BARALDI vs DAVID SERRANO. From the March
Elimination 145 lbs MMA 3 Rounds / 3 mins ea Sparta Sports and Entertainment's Fight Night 16 continues with an Elimination Featherweight MMA Bout between LANDON JENNINGS VS JESSE BROOKSHIRE. From
Elimination 135 lbs MMA 3 Rounds / 3 mins ea Sparta Sports and Entertainment's Fight Night 17 Night Show continues with an Elimination Bantamweight MMA Bout between Angel Rocha VS Kerry Kennicutt .
Elimination 125 lbs MMA 3 Rounds / 3 mins ea Sparta Sports and Entertainment's Fight Night 17 Night Show continues with an Elimination Flyweight MMA Bout between TYREE WOOLFOLK VS FRANK SAINT PETER
Professional 135 lbs Colorado Boxing Title Fight 6 Rounds / 2 mins ea Sparta Sports and Entertainment's SPARTA 102 finishes with an epic Main Event: a Ladies Pro Lightweight Colorado Boxing Title Bo
Elimination 145lbs MMA Title Fight 3 Rounds / 3 mins ea Sparta Sports and Entertainment's Sparta 103 continues with an Elimination Featherweight MMA Title Bout between LANDON JENNINGS VS CONNOR OWEN
Elimination 165 lbs MMA TITLE FIGHT 3 Rounds / 3 mins ea Sparta Sports and Entertainment's AVM 15 continues with an Elimination Super Lightweight MMA Title Bout between JESSE BROOKSHIRE vs PARKER FO
Elimination 155 lbs MMA 3 Rounds / 3 mins ea Sparta Sports and Entertainment's SPARTA 102 continues with an Elimination Lightweight MMA Bout between ADRIAN DELGADO vs CHRISTIAN GARCIA. From the Mar
Elimination 185 lbs MMA 3 Rounds / 3 mins ea Sparta Sports and Entertainment's SPARTA 102 continues with an Elimination Middleweight MMA Bout between CHRISTOPHER CONWAY vs JACK LOSOWICKI. From the
Elimination 170 lbs MMA 3 Rounds / 3 mins ea Sparta Sports and Entertainment's Fight Night 16 continues with an Elimination Welterweight MMA Bout between KYLE STEWART & ISIAH WRIGHT. From the Febru
Elimination 125lbs MMA 3 Rounds / 3 mins ea Sparta Sports and Entertainment's Fight Night 17 Day Show continues with an Elimination Flyweight MMA Bout between JACOB COCHRAN VS NICK GARCIA. From th
Elimination 145lbs MMA 3 Rounds / 3 mins ea Sparta Sports and Entertainment's Fight Night 17 Day Show continues with an Elimination Featherweight MMA Bout between MICHAEL CAMPBELL VS NICK STEWART.
Elimination 160 lbs MMA 3 Rounds / 3 mins ea Sparta Sports and Entertainment's Fight Night 16 continues with an Elimination Super Lightweight MMA Bout between JOSE GOMEZ & PARKER FORD. From the Feb
Elimination 170 lbs MMA 3 Rounds / 3 mins ea Sparta Sports and Entertainment's Fight Night 17 Night Show continues with an Elimination Welterweight MMA Bout between DEVIN MCGINLEY VS DATHAN LLOYD.