Elimination 125 lbs MMA Title Bout 3 Rounds / 3 mins ea Sparta Sports and Entertainment's Fight Night 17 Night Show continues with an Elimination Flyweight MMA Title Bout between SERGIO GUTIERREZ VS
SCL 70: Joey Garcia vs Edwin Chavez Elimination MMA bout from the Sparta Combat League December 1, 2018 Combat Sports Show at the National Western Complex in Denver, CO. Visit www.spartacombatleagu
SCL 70: Steve Lontine vs Max Rojas Elimination MMA bout from the Sparta Combat League December 1, 2018 Combat Sports Show at the National Western Complex in Denver, CO. Visit www.spartacombatleague
Regional highlights from around the country courtesy of Legacy Fighting Championship, Cage Fury Fighting Championship, and Sparta Combat League. AXS TV is Your Home for MMA every Friday Night! Fin
SCL 70: Justin "J-Train" Gonzales vs Drew "The Eternal Fire" Brokenshire Professional MMA Featherweight Championship bout from the Sparta Combat League December 1, 2018 Combat Sports Show at the Nat
125 lbs MMA Title 3 Rounds / 3 mins ea Sparta Sports and Entertainment's Fight Night 19 continues in the cage during night 2 of our 2-night event weekend. This is an Elimination Flyweight MMA Title
Elimination 155 lbs MMA Title Bout 3 Rounds / 3 mins ea Sparta Sports and Entertainment kicks off 2024 with a double header; 2 fight cards in 1 day! The Night Card ends with the Main Event, an Elim
Elimination 155 lbs MMA 3 Rounds / 3 mins ea Sparta Sports and Entertainment kicks off 2024 with a double header; 2 fight cards in 1 day! The Night Card continues with an Elimination Lightweight MM
155 lbs MMA Bout 3 Rounds / 3 mins ea Sparta Sports and Entertainment's Sparta 104 event continues with an Elimination Lightweight MMA Bout featuring JAY CANO VS JORDAN MILES. From the November 9,
Elimination 165 lbs MMA TITLE FIGHT 3 Rounds / 3 mins ea Sparta Sports and Entertainment's AVM 15 continues with an Elimination Super Lightweight MMA Title Bout between JESSE BROOKSHIRE vs PARKER FO
Elimination 185 lbs MMA 3 Rounds / 3 mins ea Sparta Sports and Entertainment's SPARTA 102 continues with an Elimination Middleweight MMA Bout between CHRISTOPHER CONWAY vs JACK LOSOWICKI. From the
Elimination 180 lbs Boxing: Daniel Diaz vs Mario Arguello Sparta Combat League and Airtight Boxing presents Rivals Boxing at the Eclipse Event Center in Denver, CO on Feb 9, 2019. Visit www.spartac
SCL 70: Vern Earwood vs Eddie Sisneros Pro Boxing bout from the Sparta Combat League December 1, 2018 Combat Sports Show at the National Western Complex in Denver, CO. Visit www.spartacombatleague
Anel Dudo v Tyler Ashton Quarter-Finals: Elimination 125lbs Boxing Bout #1 of 7 Sparta Sports and Entertainment presents The King of Sparta Tournament: Flyweight Series at Sparta 80, on February 29,
Danny O'connor vs Trent Brown Pro 170 lbs MMA Sparta Sports and Entertainment & Airtight Boxing present Combat Series 3. From December 14, 2019 at the Jefferson County Fairgrounds in Golden, CO. V