Elimination 145lbs Boxing 3 Rounds / 2 mins ea Sparta Sports and Entertainment's Sparta 103 continues with an Elimination Junior Welterweight Boxing Bout between MARIO PEREZ VS JAMES HUFF. From the
Catch some more action from Sparta BKMMA as Steve Lontine takes on Humberto Pozos. #Boxing #BoxingFight #Fight
Ladies Professional 115 lbs MMA: Lupita Godinez v Ashlee Mastin 3 Rounds Sparta Sports and Entertainment and Airtight Boxing present Fight Night at the Jefferson County Fairgrounds Arena in Golden,
Abel Ramirez De Loa vs Thomas Fox Elimination 135 lbs Boxing Sparta Sports and Entertainment presents SPARTA 75. From July 20, 2019 at the Budweiser Events Center in Loveland, CO. Visit www.Sparta
115 lbs Boxing 3 Rounds / 2 mins ea Sparta Sports and Entertainment's event weekend continues with a Super Flyweight Boxing bout featuring CAROLYNE OCHIENG VS KYRA MARTINEZ. From the August 23,, 20
Pro 145 lbs MMA Bout 3 Rounds / 5 mins ea Sparta Sports and Entertainment's Sparta 104 event continues with an Pro Featherweight MMA Bout featuring JACOB KREITEL VS SAMUEL HENRIQUEZ. From the Novem
145 lbs Boxing: Salvador Sanches vs Manuel Reyes Sparta Sports and Entertainment and Airtight Boxing present Boxing Fight Night at the Arapahoe County Fairgrounds Event Center in Aurora, CO on Apr
SCLvsAIRTIGHT BOXING Marquez V Melo 10 15 16
PRO 147 lbs Boxing | WBF Silver Welterweight Title Bout 6 Rounds / 3 mins ea Sparta Sports and Entertainment kicks off 2024 with a double header; 2 fight cards in 1 day! The Night Card continues wi
Harun Omerhodzic vs Ben Antoniewicz Elimination 185 lbs MUAY THAI Sparta Sports and Entertainment & Airtight Boxing present Combat Series 3. From December 14, 2019 at the Jefferson County Fairgroun
Chris Tramell VS Charlie Brown 185lb Muay Thai Sparta Combat League www.spartacombatmma.com
SCL 70: Queen of Sparta Flyweight Quarter-finals/Boxing Fight 4/7: Heather Denny vs Ashley Seen The QOS tournament is set up for 8 women to enter and fight through 3 different levels/fight styles.
Dean Risher vs Seth Rodenbaugh PRO 152 lbs BOXING 4 Rounds at 3 mins Sparta Sports & Entertainment and Airtight Boxing present Combat Series 4: Boxing. From January 24, 2020 at the Jefferson Count