REPS RETRIBUTION 4 Martin Chester VS Wayne Tierney: (70kg Title) SHAREFIGHT COM
ACB 6 Martin Chester VS Callum Gahgan SHAREFIGHT.COM
Reps Retribution 5 - Martin Chester VS 'Dirty' Harry Marple SHAREFIGHT.COM
White Collar Boxing - The Challenge. Phil Roberts Vs Kenny Wood
GTFP 7 - Golden Ticket Fight Promotions - Samuel Ilnicki Vs Solomon Rogers
Shrewsbury Fight Night 3 - Grant Dales Vs Mason Shaw
TMAS White Collar Boxer 7 Cameron Darcy Vs Anthony Davis
Budo FC 33 - Shaun Lomas Vs Andrew Bakewell
Reps Retribution 5 - Lee Richardson VS Robbie Fallon SHAREFIGHT.COM
ACB 9 Brawl in the Hall Jason McKnight VS Kyle Preston SHAREFIGHT COM
ACB 9 Brawl in the Hall - Jordan Hill VS James Rogers SHAREFIGHT.COM
ACB 9 Brawl in the Hall - Jack Roughly VS Lewis Johnson SHAREFIGHT.COM
Reps Retribution 5 - Jordon Chester v Carl Burton SHAREFIGHT.COM
ACB 9 Brawl in the Hall - Callum Gahgan VS Ricardo Franco SHAREFIGHT.COM
ACB 9 Brawl in the Hall - Reece Parker VS Jason O'Conner SHAREFIGHT.COM