RXF 23 Judgment Day Dom Clark vs Sergiu Breb
MMA Girls Fight on RXF 17 CRAIOVA Diana Belbita vs Renata Cseh-Lantos
RXF 23 Judgment Day Tolea Ciumac vs Robert Orbocea
RXF 29 MMA ALLSTARS - Brasov 201 Cristina Neza vs Diana Belbita Please subscribe for more fighting !!! For more news please visit our official website : www.rxf.ro Live shows please subscribe on
RXF 14 - Diana Belbita vs Alice Ardelean
Diana Belbita (Romania) vs Morgane Manfredi (France ) - RXF 27 Piatra Neamt Please subscribe for more fights and news !!! For more news please visit our official website : www.rxf.ro Live s
Watch Lipski vs Belbita Fight Video
KSW 39 Colosseum Full Show Replay
Ariane Lipski showed exactly why she has the nickname of 'The Violence Queen' when she won the KSW women's flyweight title at KSW 39. She is in action next against Silvana Gomez Juarez at KSW 42 on
RXF 25 MMA ALLSTARS #3 - Ploiesti 2016 Please subscribe for more fighting !!! For more news please visit our official website : www.rxf.ro Live shows please subscribe on : www.rxflive.com Also v
Sandu Lungu vs Tomasz Czerwinski Please subscribe for more fights and news !!! For more news please visit our official website : www.rxf.ro Live shows please subscribe on : www.rxflive.com Also
RXF 33 MMAALLSTARS : Maris Ciprian (Romania) vs Omid Kordmanjiri (Iran) 10 DECEMBER - KOmasters & RXF show Please subscribe for more fights and news !!! For more news please visit our official
RXF 12 "Bataie ca-n Las Vegas" Sandu Lungu vs Tomasz Czerwinski
RXF 17 Craiova - Alice Ardelean vs Cristina Stanciu
MMA Knockout RXF 18 Cluj-Napoca, 15 June 2015 Ioan Vranceanu knocked Bogdan Nut
Azamat Mustafaev vs Ionut Atodiresei RXF 22 Romania vs Polonia