I’m hiding a KNIFE!
- Posted by dovu on Mar 26, 2025
Since its inception in 1869, the Los Angeles Police Department has always taught officers to handcuff subjects from a prone position. Today, we had the opportunity to introduce their lead Arrest and Control instructors to the SafeWrap System, and it couldn’t have been more well received.
To kick off this instructor course for 100+ attendees, I called two officers to try and arrest me under these circumstances:
1) I am a mental health patient
2) My mom called you because I became angry and attacked her after not getting my favorite cereal
3) My family is recording the encounter with their phones, and anything they do will be seen by the world
4) I have a knife stashed (and they have no idea)
After this demo, me and @ryrongracie proceeded to SafeWrap the larger of the two volunteers who fought with all his might to avoid arrest. Safe to say he was not successful.
Simply put, while prone restraint can be safe and effective is some cases, when used as the default response in 2-on