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www.legendfc.com --- At Legend 9, China's Wu Haotian and Australia's Damien Brown traded huge slams, ending in a spectacular highlight reel moment from Brown. Enjoy! Facebook: https://www.facebook.c
RXF 25 MMA ALLSTARS #3 - Ploiesti 2016 Please subscribe for more fighting !!! For more news please visit our official website : www.rxf.ro Live shows please subscribe on : www.rxflive.com Also v
RXF 17 Craiova - Cristian "Superman" Mitrea vs Marvin Campell
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Negumereanu Nicolae vs Marius Pislariu RXF 25 MMA ALLSTARS #3 - Ploiesti 2016 Please subscribe for more fighting !!! For more news please visit our official website : www.rxf.ro Live shows pleas
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RXF 30 - Bucuresti 2018 RXF : Lascar Corneliu (Romania) vs Vasinca Andrei (Romania) Please subscribe for more fighting !!! For more news please visit our official website : www.rxf.ro Live sh