Hideto Tatsumi vs. Yang Hae Jun (Legend FC 7)
- Posted by niovix on Jul 20, 2012
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www.legendfc.com --- Based on this week's voting on our Facebook Fan Page, this is the video Legend fans wanted to see: at Legend 7, South Korea's "Hungry" Yang Hae Jun used superior boxing to score a first-round KNOCKOUT OF THE NIGHT against Japanese middleweight Hideto Tatsumi. Enjoy!
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Legend Fighting Championship (Legend) is the Asia-Pacific championship of mixed martial arts (MMA). Legend invites champion mixed martial artists from throughout the region to compete in a freestyle tournament using interdisciplinary skills, including sanda, jiujitsu, muay thai, boxing and wrestling. All Legend fights are supervised matches under a strict set of rules designed to promote athlete safety and sportsmanship. Legend is committed to promoting the sport of mixed martial arts in the Asia-Pacific, to supporting and cultivating its athletes, and to providing exceptional e