Xtreme Kombat 6 Jake Duffy FlexMMA vs Lewis Wood SalfordMMA 57kg
Two of the scrappiest amateur fighters on the FCC roster put on an entertaining performance for the fans 00:00 Round 1 04:51 Round 2 08:52 Round 3 11:05 And the winner... ?? Experience FCC live
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White Collar Boxing - The Challenge. Phil Roberts Vs Kenny Wood
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Rage in the Cage 4 - James Lewis VS James Drakes - SHAREFIGHT.COM
Reps Retribution 3 - Joe Nazokatov VS Lewis Bond (AMA.B) SHAREFIGHT.COM
ACB 8 Amateur Cage Battles - Lewis Johnson VS Scott McFarlane SHAREFIGHT.COM
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ACB 9 Brawl in the Hall - Jack Roughly VS Lewis Johnson SHAREFIGHT.COM
Combat Contenders Brad Thomas VS Lewis Watson SHAREFIGHT COM
UCC 14 - Danny Murphy vs. James Lewis (AMA) SHAREFIGHT.COM HD