Check out this fight from UCMMA 51!
Antonin Marconi v. Rachid Magmadi
Eric Pele v. Antonio Silvan at Bodog Fight!
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Ronda Rousey's 2nd Professional fight.
Mike Brown v. Yves Edwards at Bodog Fight.
Take a look at this fight from Karate Combat!
Time for some Bodog Fight action! ??
Professional and Amateur fighters from across North America battle it out in 'Hard Knocks' cage. Jess Elverum v. Jenn Wolstenholme.
Knockout of the day Dale Tallman
Alexander Emelianenko dominates Eric Pele!
Best MMA Knockouts
Chael Sonnen destroyed his opponent in Series 1. Here, the wrestling superstar faces one of the most feared fighters on the Red Devil squad, Aleksi Olyinek.
SUBSCRIBE to Hard Knocks Fighting: Girls hit hard. Coralie Dixon vs Mallory Gellner HK 42 Hard Knocks events provide great entertainment in the wildly exciting sport of Mixed
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