Evgeniy Ignatiev vs Gadzhi Rabadanov
Fight Nights Global 61: Enomoto vs. Aleksakhin
Dmitry Aryshev vs Solekh Khasanov
Fight Nights Global 60: Tajikistan
Fabio Maldonado vs Abdul-Khamid Davlyatov
Fight Nights Global 60: Tajikistan
Stanislav Ilushenkov vs Emomali Kurbanov
Fight Nights Global 60: Tajikistan
Kurban Omarov vs Joaquim Ferreira
Fight Nights Global 59: Devoted to Defender's of the Fatherland Day
Tomas Deak vs Alexander Yanishev
Fight Nights Global 59: Devoted to Defender's of the Fatherland Day
Adi Alic vs Alexander Matmuratov
Fight Nights Global 59: Devoted to Defender's of the Fatherland Day
Vitaly Minakov vs D.J. Linderman
Fight Nights Global 59: Devoted to Defender's of the Fatherland Day
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