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Thomas Denny vs. Pat Miletich Adrenaline MMA II
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Braden Bice vs. Michael Russow Adrenaline MMA II
Jesse Lennox vs. Ryan Williams Adrenaline MMA II
Welterweight MMA bout between Jocken Baptiste (1-1) and Luis Brazzarola (0-0) at Combat Night Fort Lauderdale. Combat Night is the premier mixed martial arts promotion in Florida, providing a platfo
559 Fights is California’s Premier Amateur Mixed Martial Arts League. All MMA fights are sanctioned by California Amateur Mixed Martial Arts Organization (CAMO). Don’t Forget to Subscribe to Stay Upd
?? Shock N Awe 37 – Unmissable Fight from October 12th! ?? Catch every punch, kick, and clash from this thrilling fight at Shock N Awe 37, filmed live from Portsmouth Guildhall! Relive the excitement
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