Wild Middleweight (185lb) MMA debut for Nickolas McCall and Reagan Northrup at Combat Night Pro Duval. No commentary due to technical difficulties. Combat Night is the premier mixed martial arts pro
Crazy Heavyweight MMA bout between John Trujillo-Morales (0-1) and Bam McMillan (0-1) at Combat Night Pro Duval. Combat Night is the premier mixed martial arts promotion in Florida, providing a plat
Amazing performance from Mario Flores (1-0) in this Bantamweight MMA bout against Colby Carnes (0-1) at Combat Night Pro Duval. Combat Night is the premier mixed martial arts promotion in Florida, p
Gavin Archuleta debuts against Nicholas Campbell (1-1) in a Flyweight (125lb) MMA bout at Combat Night Pro Duval. Combat Night is the premier mixed martial arts promotion in Florida, providing a pla
Amazing performance by Donavon Hedrick (3-0) in this Middleweight (185lb) MMA bout against Dominic Stouder (1-4) at Combat Night Pro Duval. Combat Night is the premier mixed martial arts promotion i
Shane Mason debuts against Andres Santiago in this Catchweight (175lb) MMA bout at Combat Night Pro Duval. Combat Night is the premier mixed martial arts promotion in Florida, providing a platform f
Crazy Catchweight (150lb) MMA bout between Eddie Perlaza (4-3) and Hunter Chambers (4-7) at Combat Night Pro Duval. Combat Night is the premier mixed martial arts promotion in Florida, providing a p
The top 2 amateur MMA Flyweights (125lb) in the country Bryce Woerner (7-2) and Luis Perez (7-1) match up for the chance to win the Bantamweight Title at Combat Night Pro Kissimmee. Combat Night is
Lightweight (155lb) MMA bout between Marcellus Wallace (2-1) and Theoren Thorn (2-0) at Combat Night Pro St. Petersburg. Combat Night is the premier mixed martial arts promotion in Florida, providin
Welterweight (170lb) MMA bout in Combat Night Pro St. Petersburg between Franklin Torres and Donavon Hedrick Combat Night is the premier mixed martial arts promotion in Florida, providing a platform
Catchweight (165lb) MMA bout in Combat Night Pro St. Petersburg between James Lawson (0-4) and Mikey Conlon (1-0). Combat Night is the premier mixed martial arts promotion in Florida, providing a pl
Middleweight (185lb) MMA bout between Michael Vizza and David Bergida with a quick submission in Combat Night Pro St. Petersburg. Combat Night is the premier mixed martial arts promotion in Florida,
Combat Night Pro Duval's Main Event featuring James Dunn (4-5) and Alec Bailey (2-0) in a Bantamweight (135lb) MMA bout for the Title. Combat Night is the premier mixed martial arts promotion in Flo
A Welterweight MMA bout between Danasabe Mohammed (7-3) and Jeremiah Mcdougall (6-0) at Combat Night Pro Duval. Combat Night is the premier mixed martial arts promotion in Florida, providing a platf
Lightweight (155lb) MMA bout between John Dressman (2-1) and Brayant Perez (2-1) at Combat Night Pro St. Petersburg. Combat Night is the premier mixed martial arts promotion in Florida, providing a