Flyweight (125lb) MMA bout between Alex Rogers and Rickey Chieppa at Combat Night Pro Duval. Combat Night is the premier mixed martial arts promotion in Florida, providing a platform for amateur and
Featherweight (145lb) MMA bout between Trey Bates and Benjamin Peterson at Combat Night Pro Tallahassee. Combat Night is the premier mixed martial arts promotion in Florida, providing a platform for
Amazing performance by Carlos Morales in his Welterweight (170lb) MMA debut against Ryan Horning at Combat Night Pro Tallahassee. Combat Night is the premier mixed martial arts promotion in Florida,
Light Heavyweight (205lb) MMA bout featuring Lamar Brown (5-1) and Sedric Louissaint (3-0) at Combat Night Pro Kissimmee Combat Night is the premier mixed martial arts promotion in Florida, providin
Amateur Heavyweight MMA Title bout between Andrew Peterkin (4-1) and Jackson Stanford (4-0) at Combat Night Pro Kissimmee. Combat Night is the premier mixed martial arts promotion in Florida, provid
Crazy Welterweight (175lb) MMA fight between Dowen Pugh and Nick McCarty at Combat Night Pro Kissimmee. Combat Night is the premier mixed martial arts promotion in Florida, providing a platform for
Bantamweight (135lb) MMA bout between Julio Juban (2-0) and Joe Gonzalez (3-0) at Combat Night Pro Kissimmee. Combat Night is the premier mixed martial arts promotion in Florida, providing a platfor
Phoenix Ibe (2-1) and Paul Collins (1-0) face off at Combat Night Pro Kissimmee in a Featherweight (145lb) MMA bout. Combat Night is the premier mixed martial arts promotion in Florida, providing a
Lightweight (155lb) MMA bout between Mikey Conlon (2-0) and Daniel Miller making his pro debut at Combat Night Pro Duval. Combat Night is the premier mixed martial arts promotion in Florida, providi
More hard hitting MMA action from Combat Night Pro Duval as Middleweights (185lb) Demarkus Raysor and Lyndell Hampton slug it out for three hard fought rounds! Combat Night is the premier mixed mart
First MMA bout from Combat Night Pro Duval featured a Featherweight (145lb) match up between Hubert Lanoszka and Benjamin"The Arrow"Peterson. Combat Night is the premier mixed martial arts promotion
Featherweight (145lb) MMA bout between Tommy Laipply (0-2) and Seth Dupuis (0-3) at Combat Night Pro Duval. Combat Night is the premier mixed martial arts promotion in Florida, providing a platform
Welterweight (170lb) MMA action from Combat Night Pro Duval between Brock Seyden and Sebastian Riviere-Diaz Combat Night is the premier mixed martial arts promotion in Florida, providing a platform
Bantamweight (135lb) MMA bout between Andre Ernest (1-1) and Latrell White (1-0) at Combat Night Pro Duval. Combat Night is the premier mixed martial arts promotion in Florida, providing a platform
Women's Bantamweight MMA featuring Iasmim Casser (2-0) and Kat Nelson (1-1) at Combat Night Pro Duval. Combat Night is the premier mixed martial arts promotion in Florida, providing a platform for a