More action from Combat Night Orlando, this Featherweight MMA bout features Bashmir Winston Jr Vs Phoenix Ibe. Combat Night is the premier mixed martial arts promotion in Florida, providing a platfo
Incredible Lightweight MMA bout between Ben Aris and Michael Caicedo in Combat Night Orlando. Combat Night is the premier mixed martial arts promotion in Florida, providing a platform for amateur an
Welterweight (170lb) MMA bout featuring Joey Baitt and Rico Rosado in Combat Night Orlando Combat Night is the premier mixed martial arts promotion in Florida, providing a platform for amateur and p
Lucas LaRue (2-2) and Lewis Glover (5-5) brought the heat in this Welterweight MMA (170lb) bout at Combat Night Orlando. Combat Night is the premier mixed martial arts promotion in Florida, providin
More action coming to you from Combat Night Orlando, this Welterweight MMA bout features Julian Saez and Titus Jones. Combat Night is the premier mixed martial arts promotion in Florida, providing a
The Main event from Combat Night Orlando last summer was an absolute banger! Walter Zelaya and Mikey Conlon faced off with the Lightweight (155lb) MMA Title on the line! Combat Night is the premier
Featherweight (145lb) Kickboxing match in Combat Night Orlando between Timothy Azinord and Angel Collazo. Combat Night is the premier mixed martial arts promotion in Florida, providing a platform fo
Rock 'em, sock 'em Heavyweight (225lb - 265lb) Kickboxing bout from Combat Night Orlando between Justin Henselin and Livens Dorvil. Combat Night is the premier mixed martial arts promotion in Florid
Lightweight MMA bout (155lb) between Kyle Day (1-9) and Casey Berry III (4-6) at Combat Night Orlando. Combat Night is the premier mixed martial arts promotion in Florida, providing a platform for a
Combat Night Orlando's Middleweight (185lb) MMA Main Event featuring Richard Anderson (1-3) and Gerritt Burns (1-1). Combat Night is the premier mixed martial arts promotion in Florida, providing a
Combat Night Orlando presents our first youth female Kickboxing (85lb) bout between Aubrey Howell and An’Jelisse Rijos. Combat Night is the premier mixed martial arts promotion in Florida, providing
Co Main event from Combat Night Orlando featured a a hard fought Welterweight (170lb) bout between Kody Mohns and Brian Santiago. Combat Night is the premier mixed martial arts promotion in Florida,
Another awesome Welterweight (170lb) MMA bout in Combat Night Orlando between Sebastian Urdaneta and Taylor Buffard. Combat Night is the premier mixed martial arts promotion in Florida, providing a
More action from Combat Night Orlando featuring this Lightweight bout between Kyle 'Dooms' Day and Michael 'MikeyFit' Caicedo. Combat Night is the premier mixed martial arts promotion in Florida, pr
Lightweight (155lb) Muay Thai KB bout in Combat Night Orlando featuring Barry Crawford and Malik Green. Combat Night is the premier mixed martial arts promotion in Florida, providing a platform for