Professional Bantamweight bout
Amateur welterweight bout
UAR Light Heavyweight title bout
James Green puts in a dominating performance here, taking out Jack Scott in the first round in this amateur bout.
Amateur Bantamweight tournament final
Lightheavyweight amateur bout
Tom Quinn shows promise early on in his amateur career with a lightning fast stoppage of Lewis Beattie.
Liam Caudwell took to the cage for the first time to face Jordan Wheater in a Caged Steel Boxing bout. Good fight, check it out! Fight in association with Box Menswear. The best in mens clothing: ht
Piotr Chmielecki continues to show why he is a force in the Light Heavyweight Division with a lightning fast heelhook finish, proving he is more than just a knockout artist.
Watch a great fight between Icelandic Krzysztof Porowski and Marcus Stephenson in association with Champs Sport Bar. Please leave us a like and comment on the fighters below!
Jack Comby dominated the cage at Caged Steel 24 - Night of Champions in a great cage boxing bout against Ash Gibson! Fight sponsored by Fish Bits: Visit the Caged S
CSFC 17: Danny Mullins vs George Smith
The much anticipated bout between Madars 'The Latvian Express' Fleminas and Lukasz Pilch, previously scheduled on Caged Steel 19, but it was cancelled on the night of event due to Pilch suffering an
64kg catchweight bout
Amateur Featherweight bout