66kg MMA Bout
Featherweight Amateur Bout
An exciting fight here as Blakely and Burton put on a show for the fans.
Originally scheduled for a MMA fight Tom Mullen takes a short notice boxing bout against the seasoned Reece Murray in this Caged Boxing fight.
This is the first time a female MMA fight has featured on the Caged Steel card. It was definitely action packed! Watch MMA prospect Amy Derwanz as she takes on Paige Garside. Fight in association w
Mixing up the night with Caged Boxing. This fight surprised a lot of people with Ryan Bulman being the favourite. However it was Adrian Kowalski who took the win! Fight in association with Prospect
Watch a great fight between Icelandic Krzysztof Porowski and Marcus Stephenson in association with Champs Sport Bar. Please leave us a like and comment on the fighters below!
Enjoy a great UK MMA fight between amateurs Jamie Cooke from Submission MMA and Oliver Harriott from Sheffield Shoot Fighters. Bout in association with Napoleons Casino. Don't forget to LIKE and COM
Jake Goldthorpe makes another appearance at Caged Steel with another boxing bout! Fight sponsored by Doncaster Martial Arts Centre
The fight in a light heavyweight division between El Anwar Bakary and Alexander Popov
The fight in a featherweight division between Damien Peltier and Maksim Kuldashev
The fight in a lightweight division between Lom Ali Nalgiev and Kurban Taygibov
FULL FIGHT FRIDAY: Take a look at Roger Huerta vs. Chad Hinton in it's entirety! And don't miss Roger Huerta's upcoming fight at #Bellator196! #Bellator196 | FRIDAY, April 6th, 2018 | On Paramount
Bekhruz Zugurov vs Akhmed Balkizov
Fight Nights Global 85
Ivan Gluhak vs Zelim Imadaev
Fight Nights Global 85