Gesias JZ Calvancante vs Joe Lauzon
Bobby Green vs. Dan Lauzon Affliction Day of Reckoning
ACB 9 Brawl in the Hall - Callum Gahgan VS Ricardo Franco SHAREFIGHT.COM
ACB 9 Brawl in the Hall - Reece Parker VS Jason O'Conner SHAREFIGHT.COM
ACB 9 Brawl in the Hall - Jay Brown VS Marcin Bystron SHAREFIGHT.COM
ACB 9 Brawl in the Hall - Oktawain Olejniczak VS James Guise SHAREFIGHT.COM
ACB 9 Brawl in the Hall - Matt Norton VS Lars Atkins SHAREFIGHT.COM
ACB 9 Brawl in the Hall Jack Holt VS Connor Preston SHAREFIGHT
Joe Lauzon vs Ivan Menjivar
Gesias JZ Calvancante vs Joe Lauzon
Underdog Chip Moraza-Pollard out strikes Dan Lauzon at CES MMA XXX. Watch "The Surgeon" fight for the CES welterweight title October 30th on AXS TV! AXS TV is Your Home for MMA every Friday Night!
In one of the Best Fights of 2015, cruiserweights Mike Lemaire and Jake Poss leave it all in the ring in a crazy, crazy fight at Lion Fight 25. AXS TV is Your Home for MMA every Friday Night! Find
Brothers Joe and Dan fights in their backyard with family and friends watching.
Brothers Joe and Dan fights again in their backyard with family and friends watching.
Rampage KO's Randleman, Calls Out Wanderlei & Massive Scuffle Breaks Out