BAMMA 34 middleweight bout between Fabian 'The Assassin' Edwards and Kent 'Hammer Horn' Kauppinen. Get connected with BAMMA. Visit us online at Twitter @BAMMA Facebook /BAMMA
BAMMA 35 flyweight bout between Blaine O'Driscoll and Aaron Robinson.
BAMMA 35 welterweight bout between Kiefer 'BDK' Crosbie and Josh 'Power' Plant.
BAMMA Newcastle feature prelim middleweight bout between Fabian 'The Assassin' Edwards and Louis 'KO' King. For info & event details visit
From the main card of BAMMA 16 Leon 'Rocky' Edwards Vs. Shaun 'The Disgrace' Taylor for the BAMMA Lonsdale British Welterweight Title. Held on the 13th September 2014 at the Victoria Warehouse, Manc
BAMMA 35 middleweight bout between Martin Ward Diarmuid O'Buachalla
BAMMA 35 welterweight bout between Steve Owens and Daniel 'Obi Wan' Olejniczak.
BAMMA 35 lightweight bout between Dean 'The Sniper' Barry vs Anthony 'Pretty Boy' Taylor.
BAMMA 35 bantamweight bout between Pawel Politylo and Nathan Kelly.
BAMMA 35 prelim bout between Sam Slater and Jeanderson Castro.
BAMMA 35 Main Event between Alex 'Da Kid' Lohore and Ion Bombardierul' Pascu.
BAMMA 30 prelim bout between highly touted middleweight prospect Fabian 'The Assassin' Edwards and Northern Ireland's Aaron Kennedy.
BAMMA 35 lightweight bout between Phil Raeburn and 'Magic' Myles Price.
Jonathan Bilton Vs. Leon 'Rocky' Edwards Welterweight bout from BAMMA 11 held at the Birmingham NIA on 2nd December 2012.
Let's start by kicking off #EuroSeries8 with the prelims fueled by #MonsterEnergy For additional coverage, check out the Bellator App and! Bellator MMA App: