BAMMA 34 welterweight bout between John 'No Mercy' Nicholls and Josh 'Power' Plant. Get connected with BAMMA. Visit us online at Twitter @BAMMA Facebook /BAMMAUK Instagram /BA
BAMMA 35 welterweight bout between Kiefer 'BDK' Crosbie and Josh 'Power' Plant.
BAMMA Newcastle prelim bout between Curt 'The War' Warburton and Warren 'Bodysnatcher' Kee. For info and event details visit
Josh Layton (Tap or Snap) vs. Josh Plant (Impact MMA) - FIGHT UK MMA - Last Man Standing, Lightweights. Athena Leicester 26th April, 2014.
GTFP 4 - Lawrence Tracey vs Josh Plant
Aaron 'The Joker' Chalmers aims for three straight victories in front of his vocal home crowd at BAMMA Newcastle against tough Londoner Karl 'Shifty'Donaldson. For info & event details visit BAMMA.
BAMMA Newcastle welterweight bout between Adam Proctor and 'Mr Bag & Tag' Nathan Jones. For info and event details visit
BAMMA Newcastle main card lightweight bout between Colin 'Freakshow' Fletcher & Anthony 'La Masse' Dizy. For info & event details visit
BAMMA 34 welterweight bout between Justin Burlinson and Tommy 'K.O.' King. Get connected with BAMMA. Visit us online at Twitter @BAMMA Facebook /BAMMAUK Instagram /BAMMAUK Sn
BAMMA Newcastle feature prelim middleweight bout between Fabian 'The Assassin' Edwards and Louis 'KO' King. For info & event details visit
The Main Event from BAMMA 4 held at the Birmingham National Indoor Arena Alex "The Reidernator" Reid Vs. Champion Tom "Kong" Watson.
Lightweight Bout Wayne "Silent Assassin" Drake vs Chase "E.T." Morton from the BAMMA 20 prelims held on 25th April 2015 at the Barclaycard Arena, Birmingham.
In 2015 Caleb Plant went to Quebec to face Zoltan Sera. What was supposed to be a six round fight ended just two minutes into RD1 after knocking down his opponent three-times, ending the fight by TKO
Richie Downes Vs. Jeremy 'Ninja' Petley Lightweight bout from BAMMA 11 held at the Birmingham NIA on 2nd December 2012.
BAMMA London prelim bout between Alex 'Mean' Montagnani and Martin 'Mantime' Hudson.