BAMMA 30 prelim welterweight bout between 'The Face of BAMMA' Richard Kiely and Daniel 'Obi Wan' Olejniczak.
BAMMA 30 prelim bout between highly touted middleweight prospect Fabian 'The Assassin' Edwards and Northern Ireland's Aaron Kennedy.
BAMMA 30 prelim bout between Ion Pascu and Henry Fadipe.
An all Irish featherweight bout between Mick 'Basher' Brennan and Decky 'The Diamond' Dalton from BAMMA 30 in Dublin's 3 Arena.
BAMMA 30 prelim bantamweight bout between Blaine O'Driscoll and Harry 'Houdini' Hardwick.
BAMMA 35 welterweight bout between Kiefer 'BDK' Crosbie and Josh 'Power' Plant.
The main event from BAMMA 30 in Dublin's 3 Arena sees Alan 'The Apprentice' Philpott take on Shay Walsh for the vacant BAMMA Bantamweight title.
BAMMA 30 featured bout between Ryan 'Chaos' Curtis and Daniel Barez for the BAMMA Lonsdale flyweight title.
BAMMA 30 prelim light heavyweight bout sees Ben 'Spider Monkey' Forsyth take on Matt Clempner.
Take a look at Charlie Leary vs. Kiefer Crosbie at Bellator ES 9 in its entirety! Upcoming events: Subscribe for more Bellator MMA content!
Gunnar Nelson vs Eugene Fadiora Fight Video BAMMA 4 - Watson vs. Reid
Brett 'The Spartan' McDermott takes on Ruben 'The Viking' Wolf for the BAMMA Heavyweight Title at BAMMA 29 in Birmingham's Genting Arena.
BAMMA 28's Main Event between Paul 'Redser' Redmond and 'Stormin' Norman Parke.
John 'Johnny Jitszu' Redmond Vs. Glenn 'The Beast' Irvine Middleweight bout from the BAMMA 26 Prelims, held at the 3Arena, Dublin, Ireland on September 10th 2016.
Andy 'Lofty' Lofthouse vs Ian 'Concrete' Cleary Bantamweight fight from BAMMA 27 Prelims, held at the 3Arena, Dublin, Ireland on December 16th 2016.