Date: Feb 11, 2012
Location: Kelapa Gading Sports Mall, Jakarta, Indonesia
Organization: One Championship
Raymond Tiew vs. Victorio Senduk
ONE FC 2: Battle of Heroes
February 11, 2012 watch video >>
Yohan Mulia Legowo took on fellow compatriot Victorio Senduk at ONE: KINGS OF COURAGE in Jakarta. Senduk poured on the punishment in the second round, and nearly ended the bout with a huge knee strik watch video >>
Raymond Tiew vs. Victorio Senduk
ONE FC 2: Battle of Heroes
February 11, 2012 watch video >>
Event name: DAYS Presents DEEP JEWELS 47 Date and time: Saturday, November 23, 2024 Doors open at 17:00 Start at 17:30 Venue: New Pier Hall Title sponsor: DAYS Co., Ltd., Muneaki Construction Co., L watch video >>
Yohan Mulia Legowo took on fellow compatriot Victorio Senduk at ONE: KINGS OF COURAGE in Jakarta. Senduk poured on the punishment in the second round, and nearly ended the bout with a huge knee strik watch video >>
Jakarta, - One Pride MMA 83 King Size New #8 Yogyakarta Women Strawweight Bout edisi kali ini mempertemukan Amalina Vs Indra Prawitaningtyas dalam Partai Perbaikan Perinkgat (Rangking Fi watch video >>
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