Date: Jun 22, 2013
Location: De Vere Whites Hotel at Reebok Stadium, Bolton, Greater Manchester, England
Organization: Full Contact Contender
UCC Manchester Mayhem 2 - Mickey MadDog VS Paul Douglas SHAREFIGHT.COM watch video >>
UCC 13 Paul Douglas VS Dave Richards SHAREFIGHT.COM watch video >>
Paul Douglas Vs. Borys Feldman in a Featherweight bout from the BAMMA 17 Prleims held on 6th December 2014 at the Victoria Warehouse, Manchester. watch video >>
UCC Manchester Mayhem 2 - Mickey MadDog VS Paul Douglas SHAREFIGHT.COM watch video >>
UCC 13 Paul Douglas VS Dave Richards SHAREFIGHT.COM watch video >>
Paul Douglas Vs. Borys Feldman in a Featherweight bout from the BAMMA 17 Prleims held on 6th December 2014 at the Victoria Warehouse, Manchester. watch video >>