Date: Nov 10, 2024
Location: Jean-Louis Henry Sports and Cultural Hall, Grigny, France
Organization: French MMA Federation
A Junior MMA bout from BADMOFO MMA JUNIORS 5, July 21st at the Barnsley Metrodome. We hold the biggest and best Junior MMA events in Europe, showcasing talent from England, Ireland, Spain, Scotland watch video >>
A Junior MMA bout from BADMOFO MMA JUNIORS 5, July 21st at the Barnsley Metrodome. We hold the biggest and best Junior MMA events in Europe, showcasing talent from England, Ireland, Spain, Scotland watch video >>
A Junior MMA bout from BADMOFO MMA JUNIORS 5, July 21st at the Barnsley Metrodome. We hold the biggest and best Junior MMA events in Europe, showcasing talent from England, Ireland, Spain, Scotland watch video >>
A Junior MMA bout from BADMOFO MMA JUNIORS 5, July 21st at the Barnsley Metrodome. We hold the biggest and best Junior MMA events in Europe, showcasing talent from England, Ireland, Spain, Scotland watch video >>