Date: Aug 18, 2007
Location: No Limits Event Center, Irvine, California, USA
Organization: Shooto Americas
Akiyo "Wicky" Nishiura fights KOTC 135lb champion Abel Cullum in a tournament fight for the DREAM featherweight grand prix opening round. watch video >>
Hideo Tokoro vs. Akiyo Nishiura DREAM 14 watch video >>
Wicky Akiyo Nishiura squares off against Takumi Ota at Shooto Tradition Final. watch video >>
Akiyo "Wicky" Nishiura fights KOTC 135lb champion Abel Cullum in a tournament fight for the DREAM featherweight grand prix opening round. watch video >>
Hideo Tokoro vs. Akiyo Nishiura DREAM 14 watch video >>
Wicky Akiyo Nishiura squares off against Takumi Ota at Shooto Tradition Final. watch video >>