Date: Sep 25, 2022
Location: Crowne Plaza Hotel, Belfast, Northern Ireland
Organization: Clan Wars
MMA GALLA Vol.18 Glostrup 6/4-24 Professionel fight Lightweight: -70,3 KG (155 lbs.) watch video >>
Intense rematch from the OKTAGON Challenge: England vs. Ireland featuring Jake McHugh ?????????????? and Armand Herczeg ???? at the #OKTAGON52 tournament in Newcastle. OKTAGON 56 goes down in BIRMIN watch video >>
MMA GALLA Vol.18 Glostrup 6/4-24 Professionel fight Lightweight: -70,3 KG (155 lbs.) watch video >>
Intense rematch from the OKTAGON Challenge: England vs. Ireland featuring Jake McHugh ?????????????? and Armand Herczeg ???? at the #OKTAGON52 tournament in Newcastle. OKTAGON 56 goes down in BIRMIN watch video >>