Jason Miller vs. Kazushi Sakuraba
September 25, 2010 watch video >>
Ronaldo Souza faces Jason Miller for the DREAM middleweight title belt at the main event of DREAM.9. watch video >>
Frank Trigg vs Jason Miller -rd 2 watch video >>
Jason Miller vs Jay Buck
Round 1
SuperBrawl 30
Collision Course
June 13, 2003 watch video >>
Frank Trigg vs Jason Miller -rd 1 watch video >>
Jason Miller vs Mattia Schiavolin Venator FC 3 watch video >>
Excuse the cuts, the UFC camera decided to go hardcore zoom today. Check out TheMacLife X GymKing Collection here: https://thegymking.com/collections/the-mac-life-collection VISIT: http://www.thema watch video >>
Zarinfar knocked Saldoev down three times. Prince's total advantage over Saldoev. The first round was a real nightmare for Ali Saldoev - he was knocked down twice. Only the gong saved him from Zari watch video >>
OPEN FC debutant, former HARDCORE league fighter Imam Nizametdinov and Aleksandr Novikov had three exciting rounds in the OPEN FC cage at the tournament in Barnaul. 15 minutes of tough competition en watch video >>