MMA H.E.A.T. brings you the complete fight from Fight Academy's Proving Grounds 9 between Alexandria Whitlock (0-0), representing Fight Academy and Diana Manzanares (0-2), representing Adrenaline FC.
MMA H.E.A.T. brings you the complete fight from Fight Academy's Proving Grounds 9 between Eduardo Estrada (4-0), representing Sityodtong and Ahmad Mabrok (2-0), representing TRU MMA. The bout took pl
MMA H.E.A.T. brings you the complete fight from Fight Academy's Proving Grounds 9 between Sean Guzman (3-4), representing Fight Academy and Mathew Ma (0-0), representing Submission Factory. The bout
MMA GALLA Vol.21 Nakskov - 28/09-24 Amateur fight - B-class Featherweight: -65,8 kg (145 lbs.)
MMA GALLA Vol.22 Odense - 26/10-24 DM Finale Amateur fight - b-class Bantamweight: -61,2 kg (135 lbs.)
MMA GALLA Vol.22 Odense - 26/10-24 DM - finale Amateur fight - b-class Welterweight: -77,1 kg (170 lbs.)
MMA GALLA Vol.22 Odense - 26/10-24 DM finale Amateur fight - b-class Lightweight: -70,3 kg (155 lbs.)
MMA GALLA Vol.22 - Odense 26/10-2024 Professionel Titel Fight Lightweight: 70.3 kg KG (155 lbs.)
MMA GALLA Vol.22 Odense - 26/10-24 Amateur fight - b-class Welterweight: -77,1 kg (170 lbs.)
AJ "The Mercenary" McKee faces off against MMA up-and-comer Paul "Big News" Hughes at the PFL Battle Of The Giants #MMA #PFL #PFLMMA #Combatsports Subscribe to PFL on YouTube:
Brazil dominates Jungle Fight 131 - MMA World League Brazil dominated Jungle Fight 131 - MMA World League, held this Saturday (10/19) on a packed night at the Nilson Nelson gym in Brasília. In total
Brazil dominates Jungle Fight 131 - MMA World League Brazil dominated Jungle Fight 131 - MMA World League, held this Saturday (10/19) on a packed night at the Nilson Nelson gym in Brasília. In total
MMA GALLA Vol.22 - Odense 26/10-2024 Professionel fight Featherweight: 65.8 kg KG (155 lbs.)
MMA GALLA Vol.22 - Odense 26/10-2024 Professionel fight Featherweight: 77.1 kg KG (170 lbs.)
MMA GALLA Vol.22 - Odense 26/10-2024 Professionel Titel fight Welterweight: 77.1 kg KG (170 lbs.)