BAMMA 35 Main Event between Alex 'Da Kid' Lohore and Ion Bombardierul' Pascu.
BAMMA 35 prelim bout between Sam Slater and Jeanderson Castro.
BAMMA 35 welterweight bout between Steve Owens and Daniel 'Obi Wan' Olejniczak.
BAMMA 35 bantamweight bout between Pawel Politylo and Nathan Kelly.
BAMMA London prelim featherweight bout between Charlie Boy Howard and 'The Demolition Man' David Khalsa.
BAMMA Newcastle main card lightweight bout between Colin 'Freakshow' Fletcher & Anthony 'La Masse' Dizy. For info & event details visit
Nathaniel Wood vs. Mike Cutting
BAMMA 18 - Duquesnoy vs. Klaczek
Wolverhampton Civic Hall, Wolverhampton, West Midlands, England
February 21, 2015
Catalin Zmarandescu Vs. Sharif Mohammed Ali Heavyweight bout from BAMMA 6, held at Wembley Arena, London on May 21st 2011.
BAMMA Middleweight Champion Yannick 'Black Mamba' Bahati puts his title on the line against the number one contender Mike 'Sea Bass' Shipman.
Rick "The Gladiator" Glenn vs Adam Ward
WSOF 24 - Fitch vs. Okami
Andre Winner Vs. Deigo Gonzalez in a Lightweight Battle from BAMMA 8, held at the Capital FM Arena, Nottingham on 10th December 2011.
Steven Ray vs. Dale "The Hurricane" Hardiman
British Association of Mixed Martial Arts 11
National Indoor Arena, Birmingham, West Midlands, England
December 1, 2012
Hayden Critchfield vs. Alexei Roberts
BAMMA 18 - Duquesnoy vs. Klaczek
Wolverhampton Civic Hall, Wolverhampton, West Midlands, England
February 21, 2015
Colin 'Freakshow' Fletcher Vs. Walter 'The Sniper' Gahadza Welterweight Bout from BAMMA 25: Champion Vs. Champion Main Card. Held on Saturday May 14th 2016 at the Barclaycard Arena, Birmingham.
Hayden Critchfield vs. Alexei Roberts
BAMMA 18 - Duquesnoy vs. Klaczek
Wolverhampton Civic Hall, Wolverhampton, West Midlands, England
February 21, 2015