BAMMA 35 Main Event between Alex 'Da Kid' Lohore and Ion Bombardierul' Pascu.
BAMMA 35 middleweight bout between Fabian 'The Assassin' Edwards and Claudio 'The Wolf' Conti.
BAMMA 35 welterweight bout between Kiefer 'BDK' Crosbie and Josh 'Power' Plant.
BAMMA 35 lightweight bout between Dean 'The Sniper' Barry vs Anthony 'Pretty Boy' Taylor.
BAMMA 35 prelim bout between Sam Slater and Jeanderson Castro.
BAMMA 35 middleweight bout between Martin Ward Diarmuid O'Buachalla
BAMMA Dublin co-main event between BAMMA flyweight champion Andy 'Taz' Young and Daniel Barez.
BAMMA 35 lightweight bout between Phil Raeburn and 'Magic' Myles Price.
BAMMA 35 bantamweight bout between Pawel Politylo and Nathan Kelly.
BAMMA 35 welterweight bout between Steve Owens and Daniel 'Obi Wan' Olejniczak.
BAMMA 30 featured bout between Ryan 'Chaos' Curtis and Daniel Barez for the BAMMA Lonsdale flyweight title.
Rany Saadeh (c) Vs. Shaj 'Superman' Hague in a BAMMA Flyweight Title Bout from the BAMMA 23 Night Of Champions Main Card held on 14th November 2015 at the Barclaycard Arena, Birmingham.
ONE: BIG BANG will feature a colossal flyweight clash between #2-ranked Danny Kingad and #3-ranked Kairat Akhmetov! Ahead of this pivotal showdown, relive each of their wins in The Home of Martial Ar
ONE: COLLISION COURSE will feature an electrifying flyweight mixed martial arts clash between Japanese superstar Tatsumitsu Wada and Thai sensation Yodkaikaew Fairtex! Ahead of this enthralling match
Full fight video of Alexis Vila vs Sidemar Honorio in a flyweight bout from WSOF 8. Subscribe to PFL on YouTube: Download the PFL MMA Streaming App: