Welterweight (170lb) MMA bout between Jocken Baptist (1-1) and Luis Brazzarola (0-0) at Combat Night Fort Lauderdale. Combat Night is the premier mixed martial arts promotion in Florida, providing a
It’s the last line of defense ?? ?? See ?? #mma #oilcheck #jiffylube #fighter #fight #
Alexandra Miranda debuts against Brianna Machado (1-1) in this Women's Bantamweight (135lb) MMA bout at Combat Night Ft. Lauderdale. Combat Night is the premier mixed martial arts promotion in Flori
Combat Night Pro Tallahassee Co-Main Event featuring a Welterweight (185lb) MMA bout between George Sheppard (15-15) and Angelo Travino (10-4). Combat Night is the premier mixed martial arts promoti
Flawless knockout by Unterio Gladney (4-3) against Chase Rowden (4-2) in this Lightweight (155lb) MMA bout at Combat Night Tallahassee Combat Night is the premier mixed martial arts promotion in Flo
Bantamweight (135lb) MMA featuring Leonardo Figueirôa (2-2) and Markethe Simpson (2-1) at Combat Night Pro Tallahassee. Combat Night is the premier mixed martial arts promotion in Florida, providing
A Welterweight MMA bout between Danasabe Mohammed (7-3) and Jeremiah Mcdougall (6-0) at Combat Night Pro Duval. Combat Night is the premier mixed martial arts promotion in Florida, providing a platf
Welterweight (170lb) MMA bout in Combat Night Pro St. Petersburg between Franklin Torres and Donavon Hedrick Combat Night is the premier mixed martial arts promotion in Florida, providing a platform
More action from Combat Night in this Co-Main Event Welterweight MMA bout as Lance Evans and Malcow Casas face off in a match you won't want to miss! Combat Night is the premier mixed martial arts p
Amazing performance by Matt Heilman (2-0) in this Welterweight MMA bout against Manny Soñé 2-1 at Combat Night Fort Lauderdale. Combat Night is the premier mixed martial arts promotion in Florida, p
Featherweight MMA (145lb) bout from Combat Night Pro Duval between Jaime Navarrette vs Eliezer Carrasquillo. Combat Night is the premier mixed martial arts promotion in Florida, providing a platform
More action from Combat Night Pro Orlando, this bantamweight MMA bout features Pete Garcia and Eric Jones. Combat Night is the premier mixed martial arts promotion in Florida, providing a platform f
Crazy Catchweight (150lb) MMA bout between Eddie Perlaza (4-3) and Hunter Chambers (4-7) at Combat Night Pro Duval. Combat Night is the premier mixed martial arts promotion in Florida, providing a p
Welterweight (185lb) MMA bout between Travis Williams (0-1) and Micah Perdue (1-0) at Combat Night Pro Tallahassee. Combat Night is the premier mixed martial arts promotion in Florida, providing a p
Lightweight (155lb) MMA bout between Jordan Nash (2-4) and Eddie Perez Bruno (4-4) for Combat Night Pro Duval's Co-Main event. Combat Night is the premier mixed martial arts promotion in Florida, pr