MMA GALLA Vol.18 Glostrup - 06/04-24 Amateur fight - B-class Bantamweight: -61.2 kg (135 lbs.)
MMA GALLA Vol.18 Glostrup - 06/04-24 Amateur fight - B-class Catchweight: -63.0 kg (138 lbs.)
MMA GALLA Vol.18 Glostrup 6/4-24 Professionel fight Catchweight: -73,0 KG (160 lbs.)
MMA GALLA Vol.19 Aalborg - 18/05-24 Amateur fight - B-class Lightweight: -70.3 kg (155 lbs.)
MMA GALLA Vol.19 Aalborg - 18/05-24 Amateur fight - B-class Lightweight: -70.3 kg (155 lbs.)
MMA GALLA Vol.19 Aalborg - 18/05-24 Amateur fight - B-class Lightweight: -65.8 kg (145 lbs.)
MMA GALLA Vol.22 Odense - 26/10-24 DM finale Amateur fight - b-class Lightweight: -70,3 kg (155 lbs.)
MMA GALLA Vol.21 Nakskov - 28/09-24 Amateur fight - B-class Featherweight: -65,8 kg (145 lbs.)
MMA GALLA Vol.21 Nakskov - 28/09-24 Amateur fight - B-class Lightweight: 70.3 kg (155 lbs.)
MMA GALLA Vol.21 - Nakskov 28/09-2024 Professionel fight Catchweight: 72 KG (158 lbs.)
MMA GALLA Vol.17 Odense - 10/2-24 Amateur fight - B-class Bantamweight: -61.2 kg (135 lbs.)
MMA GALLA Vol.17 Odense - 10/2-24 Amateur fight - B-class Lightweight: -65.8 kg (145 lbs.)
MMA GALLA Vol.17 Odense - 10/2-24 Amateur fight - B-class Catchweight: -62.0 kg (137 lbs.)
MMA H.E.A.T. brings you the complete fight from Fight Academy's Proving Grounds 9 between Sean Guzman (3-4), representing Fight Academy and Mathew Ma (0-0), representing Submission Factory. The bout
MMA H.E.A.T. brings you the complete fighter introductions from Fight Academy's Proving Grounds 9, which took place Saturday, May 4, 2013 in Pasadena, California. In this video the 16 amateur MMA fig