Elimination 130 lbs Boxing 3 Rounds / 2 mins ea Sparta Sports and Entertainment's Fight Night 16 continues with an Elimination Super Featherweight Boxing Bout between JESUS GONZALEZ & RIGO SANTIZ.
Elimination 147 lbs Boxing 3 Rounds / 2 mins ea Sparta Sports and Entertainment's Fight Night 16 kicks off with an Elimination Welterweight Boxing Bout between TYSON CHARBONEAU & DONNELL DIXON. Fro
PRO 154 lbs Boxing 4 Rounds / 3 mins ea Sparta Sports and Entertainment's Fight Night 16 continues with a Pro Super Welterweight Boxing Bout between NICCO HAMILTON VS RAMIRO FIGUEROA. From the Febr
Elimination Heavyweight Boxing 3 Rounds / 2 mins ea Sparta Sports and Entertainment's Fight Night 16 continues with an Elimination Heavyweight Boxing Bout between SHEQUILL WATERBERG VS ALONZO NEAL.
PRO 147 lbs Boxing 6 Rounds / 3 mins ea Sparta Sports and Entertainment's Fight Night 16 continues with a Professional WBF Silver Welterweight Title Boxing Bout between JESUS VELASCO ALCAZAR VS JAYD
Elimination 122 lbs Boxing Title Fight 3 Rounds / 3 mins ea Sparta Sports and Entertainment's Fight Night 16 continues with an Elimination Super Bantamweight Boxing Title Bout between TYLER MITCHELL
A clash of upcoming Boxing prospects from Colorado, Ramiro Figueroa takes on Darien Robinson for the Sparta and Airtight 155 lb Ammy Boxing Title. #Boxing #AmateurBoxing #TitleFight
King of Sparta Tournament Quarter-Finals Fight 2 of 6 Elimination 155 lbs Boxing 3 Rounds / 2 mins ea Sparta Sports and Entertainment's Fight Night 17 Night Show continues with the King of Sparta Li
Fight 1 of 7 / King of Sparta Pro Featherweight Tournament Quarter-Final Pro 145 lbs Boxing Bout 3 Rounds / 3 mins ea Sparta Sports and Entertainment's SPARTA 98 Fight Card kicks off with the King
Elimination 175 lbs Boxing: Angel Mendez v Isaiah Lopez 3 Rounds Sparta Sports and Entertainment and Airtight Boxing present Fight Night at the Jefferson County Fairgrounds Arena in Golden, CO on
Elimination Heavyweight Boxing Eric Berumen De La Cruz vs Norman Kimbrough Sparta Sports and Entertainment and Airtight Boxing present Combat Series 1. From March 22, 2019 at the Jeff Co Fairground
Elimination Heavyweight Kickboxing 3 Rounds / 2 mins ea Sparta Sports and Entertainment's Fight Night 16 continues with an Elimination Heavyweight Kickboxing Bout between BRANDON VINCENT & BEN FRYE.
Pro 140 lbs Boxing: Milton Roque vs Edison Charley Co-Main Event/4 Rounds Sparta Sports and Entertainment and Airtight Boxing present Fight Night at the Jefferson County Fairgrounds Arena in Golden,
Witness a nice back and forth Boxing clash between John Bustamente and Tomas Ornelas. #Boxing #FreeBoxing #Fight
Sparta/ATB Boxing Fight Night 126 lbs Boxing: Abel Ramirez De Loa vs Brandon Trout Sparta Sports and Entertainment and Airtight Boxing present Boxing Fight Night at the Arapahoe County Fairgrounds