?????????????????? ???????????????????????? ???? | Sat. 3rd August 2024, London. 8. Weltweight Bout: Dorian Steel vs. Rob Earls
?????????????????? ???????????????????????? ????: Sat. 18th November 2023, London. 8. Bantamweight Bout: Tawaab Raheel vs. Kenu Suthakaran
?????????????????? ???????????????????????? ???? | Sat. 2nd March 2024, London. 17. Lightweight Bout: Klaidas Lukasevicius vs. Yusuf Ali-Taleb
?????????????????? ???????????????????????? ????: Sat. 8th July 2023, Birmingham. 13. Strawweight Bout: Kelly Staddon 0-0-0 vs. Hayley Valentine 4-0-0
?????????????????? ???????????????????????? ???? | Sat. 2nd March 2024, London. 12. Lightweight Bout: Ibra Attia vs. Will Fox
?????????????????? ???????????????????????? ???? | Sat. 29th June 2024, Belgium. 2. Flyweight Bout: Mahmoud Alsuliman vs. Deni Arskhanov
?????????????????? ???????????????????????? ???? | Sat. 29th June 2024, Belgium 4. Weltweight Bout: Mozane Malivert vs. Ilias Alikhadjiev
?????????????????? ???????????????????????? ????: Sat. 5th August 2023, Indigo at the O2 London. 5. Stawweight Bout: Lindsey Payne 2-1-0 vs. Kerensky Fernandes 1-2-0
?????????????????? ???????????????????????? ????: Sat. 5th August 2023, Indigo at the O2 London. 8. Lightweight Bout: Micky Leithner 2-0-0 vs. Mehmet Maslak 3-0-0
?????????????????? ???????????????????????? ???? | Sat. 29th June 2024, Belgium. FSC Flyweight Championship: Tommy Clarke (Team UK) vs. Nessim Akhdim (Team Europe)
?????????????????? ???????????????????????? ????: Sat. 5th August 2023, Indigo at the O2 London. 13. Welterweight Bout: Kenny Mbongo 2-1-0 vs. Krystian Wojcik 3-0-0
?????????????????? ???????????????????????? ???? | Sat. 2nd March 2024, London. 5. Featherweight Bout: Javid Uryakhel vs. Ubaid Mirza
?????????????????? ???????????????????????? ????: Sat. 18th November 2023, London. 6. LW: Bariyalay Delir vs. Mehmet Maslak *The decision of this bout was overturned, in favour of Mehmet Maslak as
?????????????????? ???????????????????????? ???? | Sat. 2nd March 2024, London. 7. Lightweight Bout: Bohdan Belmeha vs. Nazrullo Rasulov
?????????????????? ???????????????????????? ????: Sat. 18th November 2023, London. 14. FSC Welterweight Championship: Samuel Blasco vs. Nathan Jones