[MMA] Tomiya Miyakuni (Sakaguchi Dojo) vs Soichiro Baba (GRABAKA) [Fighting NEXUS vol.19]
- Posted by goldman on Mar 28, 2020
What is the strongest martial arts !?
When a wide variety of martial arts heroes fought in "mixed martial arts", there was nothing ...
-UFC, RIZIN, DEEP, NEXUS-Mirai Asakura, Yusuke Yachi, Tenshin Nasukawa, Shibata, Rafael, DJ President, Hikaru-Kenka, The Outsider, Kick Boxing, Boxing, Judo, Karate, Aikido ...-
The strongest martial arts has not been decided now!
[MMA] Tomiya Miyakuni (Sakaguchi Dojo) vs Soichiro Baba (GRABAKA) [Fighting NEXUS vol.19]
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