Check out this fight from Ultimate Warrior Challenge 23!
Nice Knockout! Pascu Ion v. Hakon Foss at UWC 23
That was fast!
Professional and Amateur fighters from across North America battle it out in Hard Knocks' cage. Kyle Francotti v. Steven Arens
Let's see the reactions! How good was this knockout? ?? Let us know in the comments ??
Check out this fight from Shock N Awe 14! Xavier Sedras v. Jefferson George!
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Professional and Amateur fighters from across North America battle it out in 'Hard Knocks' cage. Will Woo v. Murray Hunter.
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Joel Powell attempts an arm bar on Christ Franck from HK 42
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Join Our 24/7 LIVE Streaming MMA TV Channel Professional and Amateur fighters from across North America battle it out in Hard Kn
Mike Brown v. Yves Edwards at Bodog Fight.