UAR Light Heavyweight title bout
Former UK Number 1 ranked Featherweight amateur, Callum Mullen steps up to the Professional ranks against seasoned Lithuanian Meistavich.
Caged Steel regular Scott Harper takes on Wes O'Neill in this Cage Boxing match.
Tom Quinn shows promise early on in his amateur career with a lightning fast stoppage of Lewis Beattie.
Originally scheduled for a MMA fight Tom Mullen takes a short notice boxing bout against the seasoned Reece Murray in this Caged Boxing fight.
The future of the featherweight division is on full display here as young guns Stafford Swainston and George Staines face off in this amateur bout.
After a successful run on the English Muay Thai circuit and even having fought in Thailand, Kobe Christopher tries his hand at MMA against Halifax's Jordan Wheater.
James Green puts in a dominating performance here, taking out Jack Scott in the first round in this amateur bout.
Easily the top contender for Fight of the Night as we were treated to a "Stirker vs Grappler" matchup where the takedowns of Brett Baker would attempt to swarm the kicks of Kai Holmes.
Brad Kittrick continues to impress at Caged Steel earning his second stoppage of the year in this Lightweight bout.
An exciting fight here as Blakely and Burton put on a show for the fans.
Liam Caudwell took to the cage for the first time to face Jordan Wheater in a Caged Steel Boxing bout. Good fight, check it out! Fight in association with Box Menswear. The best in mens clothing: ht
UFC Veteran Danny Mitchell returns to Caged Steel at Sheffield Arena, this time.... the gloves are off!!! Watch his bare knuckle bout against Mark Fosters in association with 1ClickPrint. LIKE and C
Undefeated athlete Muhammad Mokaev makes his first Caged Steel appearance, and what a show Myles Richards and himself put on. Very entertaining! In association with Fenwick's, watch the full fight no
Matty Omar returns to Caged Steel to take on Simon Lee in an epic Caged Boxing bout. These two are relentless fighters who give it everything they've got. In association with Body Advance, this is on