Valor 46 Fight 12 Mcpferson Vs Swanson
Valor Fights 23 Fight 2 Menden McKeehan Vs Alan Stewart
VALOR Fights 31 Featured Fight: Lamar Brown (Coconut Creek, FL) vs. Damir Ferhatbegovic (Knoxville, TN) - Pro 160 lbs Catchweight
VFC 55 Jacob Wright vs Ray Hewlett
VALOR 16 Professional Bout between "The Asian Persuasion" Jason King and Judd "Babyface" Brown!
Legacy Bout 16 Whittany Pyles vs Christina Ricker
Legacy Fight 1 Dusty Little vs Austin Lewis
Border Wars Fight 11 Begley
VFC 55 Trevor Peek vs Tevin Brown
Valor 41 Fight 5 Josh Cumbee vs Bright Benson UMMAF National Qualifier Final
Valor 28 Fight 7 Seth Boswell Vs Darren Smith
VFC: Fight Night at The Joe | Taylor Wilson vs Garrett Sharp | Amateur Featherweight(145lbs) MMA | Nov. 2, 2018 | Cotton Eyed Joe | Knoxville, TN | Sponsored by Cotton Eyed Joe PROMOTER: Eric Turner
Valor 22 Fight 16 Katelyn Dykas Vs Shanna Young
Legacy Bout 5 Jonathan Blackwell vs Austin Cox
Valor Fights 23 Fight 7 Anthony Morgan Vs Jonathan Pearce